
The program is shipped in one executable file that acts both as the server and the client.

Note: OpenSSH version 7.8+ is required.

Acquire it as below for your system:

Linux x86_64

curl -LO

# Make executable
chmod +x boringproxy-linux-x86_64

# Allow binding to ports 80 and 443
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep boringproxy-linux-x86_64

Linux i386

curl -LO

# Make executable
chmod +x boringproxy-linux-386

# Allow binding to ports 80 and 443
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep boringproxy-linux-386

Linux ARM

curl -LO

# Make executable
chmod +x boringproxy-linux-arm

# Allow binding to ports 80 and 443
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep boringproxy-linux-arm

Linux arm64

curl -LO

# Make executable
chmod +x boringproxy-linux-arm64

# Allow binding to ports 80 and 443
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep boringproxy-linux-arm64

You may need to allow connecting to remote forwarded ports from outside the server host. To do this, you shoud edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and replace GatewayPorts no with GatewayPorts clientspecified.

Windows and macOS

See the releases page for downloads. Note: macOS support is untested.